Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mentaiko pasta


2 sacs of meintaiko
6tbs (90gm) butter
1.5 Tbsp light soy sauce
225 gm spaghetti
1/4 cup pasta water 

2 slices of bacon cut into 1 cm strips
1 Chinese rice bowl of frozen corn


Boil water for pasta, add salt, once boiling add pasta.  Cook until al dente. 

Measure out butter is large heatproof microwavable bowl. Microwave for 1 min butter. Add soy sauce to butter. Using a paring knife open sacs of mentaiko, and scrap into bowl. Mix with spoon.  Once pasta is cooked, add to sauce and toss. Add pasta water and continue tossing until sauce emulsifies. Top with small slivers if Nori. 

If using bacon and corn, cook bacon until crispy in cast iron pan, then add corn and saute. Add to sauce prior to pasta  (Decrease butter in recipe to 4 Tbsp )

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